A Beginner’s Guide to Network Attached Storage!

Network attached storage is a centralized storage solution that is used by many businesses to store and share data across multiple devices. As a beginner, this might sound complicated, but it is actually a straightforward concept. Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a type of storage device that connects to a network, allowing multiple devices to access the same data simultaneously. In this article, we will guide you through network attached storage, explaining its features, benefits and help you make the right decision when choosing an NAS for your business.

What is Network Attached Storage?

NAS is a storage device that connects to a network and enables data to be shared within the network. This type of storage is ideal for businesses as it allows for a centralized location for data storage that can be accessed by multiple devices. Network attached storage devices commonly utilize a RAID configuration that stores data across multiple hard drives, which can safeguard against data loss and provide a backup solution. The storage capacity of NAS devices varies depending on the number and size of the drives, and they can be designed for SMBs or enterprises.

Why choose Network Attached Storage?

There are various benefits to choosing Network Attached Storage over traditional storage solutions. NAS allows for centralization of data, which provides easier management of data across devices making it easier to share files and collaborate on projects. With a NAS, employees can access their files from anywhere with an internet connection which makes remote working more efficient. Network attached storage devices also offer data protection using efficient backup methods. A NAS device can backup all data automatically, minimize the risk of data loss, and keep the data secure.

How to choose a Network Attached Storage Solution?

When choosing an NAS solution for your business, there are several factors you should consider. The first factor is storage capacity. A good rule of thumb is to choose an NAS that can cater to your organization’s current storage needs and the projected growth rate. Secondly, consider the RAID configuration. RAID configurations offer data redundancy and provide an additional level of data protection. Look for an NAS storage solutions device that comes with multiple drive bays that support your business needs. Finally, consider the device’s performance. Decide on an NAS device that offers the required processing power, memory, and Ethernet ports for your business.

What about the Cost?

Cost is a significant factor when choosing an NAS solution for your business. In general, NAS devices are more expensive than traditional storage solutions available in the market. The cost generally depends on the size of the storage capacity, the RAID configuration, and performance. While you can buy an entry-level NAS device for your small business at a low cost, an enterprise NAS will cost more by providing enterprise-level features such as high performance, scalability and enhanced data protection.


Network attached storage is an ideal solution for businesses looking to centralize data storage, increase efficiency, collaboration and provide data protection. When choosing an NAS device, it is essential to consider your business requirements, including storage capacity, RAID configuration and device performance. With these factors in consideration, you can choose the right NAS device for your business. An NAS device can come at a high cost, but its long-term benefits make it a wise investment for any business. Choose wisely and experience the convenience and security of a network attached storage solution. For further details regarding Network Attached Storage (NAS), Contact us.